how to fix leaking shower head

There is nothing more irritating than the constant sound of water dripping down the shower head all the time. Not to mention the wastage of water. In fact, this is one of the most common problems faced by homeowners.

It is estimated that around 5500 liters of water are wasted every year through the leakage. This adds up to a huge quantity of water per household. Along with this, the adding water bill can also drive you crazy. Sometimes, the water dripping from the shower head can even damage the moisture build up on the wall, thus damaging the whole structure. Thus, it is very important that you repair water leakage as soon as it occurs.

What Are The Causes Of Water Leakage?

• Lack of cleaning
Like all fixtures, showerheads also require regular cleaning. In the absence of cleaning, dirt, grime and limescale build-up on the showerhead. This can block the nozzles and cause leakage of water through the sides.

• Wear and tear
The natural wear and tear of the showerhead also cause leakage of water. Showerheads have an O-ring between the shower hose and the head. As time passes, this ring gets worn off. This results in leakage of water through the joint.

O-ring between the shower head and head

Sometimes the shower cartridge inside the valve gets worn off. This mostly happens in the hand-held shower. When this happens, water flows out through the showerhead.

Which Are The Areas Through Which The Shower Head Leaks?
• In the case of a fixed shower head, water can leak through the swivel or threads. water leak through swivel / threads

• In the case of a hand shower, the leaking can happen at the connector, swivel, or thread.

How To Fix A Leaky Showerhead?
• Find the area of the leak
First, you should find exactly where the leaking occurs. It can either be on the swivel or thread or the connector in case of a hand shower.
• Close the water supply first:
Keeping the water on can mess up with your work. Thus, it is best to close the water supply before you start the work.
• Remove the shower head:
In most instance, removing the showerhead with arm can be difficult. Thus, you can use a plier to loosen and remove the showerhead. While removing the shower head, you can use a piece of cloth to protect the thread from getting damaged.
• Check for damage:
Now check the area of the showerhead that is damaged. You should check the head, hose or holder for any cracks. Once you find the damaged area, you should consider replacing the same.
• Check the shower arm:
In most likelihood, the shower arm is also likely to be damaged through wear and tear. If there are old and worn off thread seal tape on the shower arm, you should carefully remove the same. Peel it off and then wipe it with a damp cloth. In case the shower arm is damaged, you should consider replacing the same.
• Clean the shower head:
If the showerhead is dirty, you should clean the same. The best way is to keep it submerged in white vinegar and water solution for at least 30 minutes. You can rinse it even longer if you think it needs a thorough cleaning. Hot water is preferable as it helps to soak the dirt well. Scrub it with an old toothbrush to remove any build-up. Once done, rinse it with clean water.

• Replace the washer:
shower head washer
You can purchase the showerhead washer from the local store. Washers come in standard size. Thus, you can easily fit it in your showerhead.

• Re-apply the thread seal:
thread seal tape
Now wrap the thread around the shower for 4-5 times. You can use your hands to wrap it tightly. Once done you can reinstall the showerhead and turn on the water to flush out any remaining dirt and grime.

What Are The Things To Keep In Mind While Repairing A Leaking Shower Head?

• When water drips down the showerhead, the natural instinct is to tighten the faucet so that the water does not fall down. Over-tightening can damage the valve. Thus, make sure that you do not over-tighten the faucet.
• Always leave a rag on the floor before you start the work. This helps prevent small parts from getting misplaced or going down the drain.
• In case the water connection to the entire home needs to be stopped for the repair work, plan your activities accordingly.
• Keep all the necessary tools and appliances handy before you start the work so that you can finish it in one go.

If by any chance, you cannot repair a leaking showerhead, you should consider going for a new one. There are different types and varieties of showerheads available in the market. Depending on the size of your bathroom and your budget, you can opt for a round, square or rectangular shower head.